Red Cabin in the Woods, Lyndhurst, VA
As males, the relationship of “father and son” is an important inner awareness that shapes self-understanding and affects the way we live our lives. The question is what does it mean that most men have been formed within a cultural context that offers very few healthy images or relational ways to inform and transform this awareness? How can we navigate beyond these images and the spirituality behind them in a way that provides a more discerning life-giving response to a God-given identity for men?
During this two-day/one-night retreat, participants will engage their own spiritual life through the lens of the Prodical Son narrative in the gospel of Luke. The resource that will provide the navigational map for this spiritual journey is The Return of the Prodigal Son: A Story of Homecoming by Henri J.M. Nouwen. A reading of this book before the retreat will be helpful but is not required.